Jesper Malm
“It’s even more fun to have a haircut at the barber’s now, after only half a year”.
Read more“It was my 50th, and I wanted to do something for me”.
“I found Master Clinic on the web. I’d been wondering for a while, but not very seriously. Then it was my 50th, and I wanted to do something for me. I got the impression that Master Clinic are people who know what they’re doing. I met Sten Thure Eriksen for a consultation and got a thorough account of things, which was very reassuring. I got to see in detail how it’s all done.
Before making my decision, I was determined to drop it all if anything at all made me uncertain. I was thinking of the “doll’s heads” I had formerly seen, and bad hair jobs from the olden days. I was absolutely not willing to risk anything of that sort; I would rather live perfectly well with my hair as it was. It was actually the most important aspect for me: to be sure that this was top quality. Personally it wasn’t a big deal for me that I didn’t need to cut or shave my hair before treatment. But as an actor, this was important because I could not change my hair style in the middle of a production.
The treatment itself went fine. I had a slightly high pulse to begin with, but soon calmed down. I was given good information, and it was like being taken into a luxury spa with top-quality service. It wasn’t painful. I felt a bit when they took the hair out of the back of the head, and I was a bit sore in a few places for a few days afterwards, but only if I pressed carefully on the sites. I even dozed off during the treatment. After the treatment I thought: “if it’s no worse than this I can just take the underground”: But then it started raining and I had to be a bit careful, so I took a taxi. The next few days I was a bit cautious as well.
Six months have gone by and I see a clear difference and think that the results look good already. It’s even more fun to have a haircut at the barber’s now, after only half a year. It looks perfectly natural, and not in any way artificial.
By the summer I’ll have the full effect. That will be good! And if it isn’t up to standard, Master Clinic will do some extra work. That is a reassuring guarantee.”
The treatment was carried out without shaving or cutting Jesper’s hair.